Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi is a Hindi comedy-drama film that was released on August 24, 2018. This film is directed by Mudassar Aziz and stars Sonakshi Sinha, Diana Penty, Ali Fazal, and Piyush Mishra. It was released in the Hindi language and is currently available to watch online. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should definitely check it out.
Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi is a 2018 Hindi comedy film that is the sequel to the 2010 hit Happy Bhag Jayegi. The film features Diana Penty, Sonakshi Sinha, and an ensemble cast of actors. Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi has gotten mixed reviews from critics. Those who haven’t seen the movie may be interested in checking out this review.
The story starts when an Indian horticulture professor is kidnapped by Chinese goons in Shanghai. After escaping, Happy teams up with his nameake’s friends to save his friends and return to India. A Chinese gang mistakenly kidnaps Happy 1 and 2 and demands a contract as ransom. Javed Ahmed, who is the father of Bilal Ahmed, agrees to help Happy to rescue his friends.
Chang learns that Happy 1 is not the real Happy. He tries to convince her to return home. But Khushi and Usman are confused about this and decide to help them. Eventually, Happy 2 and Khushi meet and get together, where they meet their father. After the movie ends, Khushi and the others are reunited and return home safely. It is now time to face the aftermath of their actions.